This page is all about my Amazon Recommendations For You!
These are the products that I’ve recently bought on Amazon Prime and absolutely loved! I’d buy these over and over again.
Click Here To Shop My Amazon Recommendations For You

Did you ever find a product that you love so much that you want to tell all of your friends about it?
This is what this page is all about!
Since we have been in quarantine for most of 2020, I bought A LOT of stuff on Amazon Prime this year! (Not that I don’t buy a lot of stuff from there under normal circumstances, but this year I was even extra!)
I definitely bought some dud products too (and I will make a separate list of those products soon…there is nothing worse than wasting money, in my opinion!)
But, these are the things that I absolutely LOVE!!!
If I had to pick a very favorite, it would be this !

If you are interested in newborn photography, which is my main biz, I have a lot of product ideas on there that you may like too! These include:
Studio Essentials
Outfit ideas for mom, dad, and kids
Beautiful and on trend frames to display your photos with.
I plan to add more and more to this page as I come across Amazon products that I love and think you will too. After-all, I think we will all be shopping online more and more for the foreseeable future! (Stupid covid!)
Is there an Amazon Prime product that you love and would like to share with us? Send me an email and let me know!
This page was all about my Amazon Recommendations For You!
Gift Ideas for Mom Friends
Gift Ideas for Grandparents
Dresses You’ll Love and Look Good In