This post is all about everything you need to bring to your family photoshoot!

I recently wrote a post about the steps you need to follow to ensure you get family photos you love! You can see it here:
This post follows that up with the things you need to bring to ensure you and your kids are happy and look your best for the whole shoot!
(This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a small commission if you purchase through my link, at no extra cost to you.)
~For You~
Hair Accessories – If you wear your hair down, you will want to bring a few extra ponytail holders in case it gets windy or its super hot and your hair gets frizzy. It may just be better to pull it back in a cute pony. If you have girls, bring extras for them too. You’ll also want bobby pins (or some type of clips), hairspray, and your brush or comb.
Pro Tip: Make sure you take the ponytail holders off of your wrists before you shoot!
Makeup – At the very least, be sure to bring some matte powder and whatever you are wearing on your lips. Don’t forget a mirror!
Other Considerations – So, you won’t bring these to the shoot, but since we are on the topic of looks, consider using a teeth whitening system or getting on semi-permanent lashes from your local boutique in the weeks leading up to the shoot. (If you don’t want to spend the money at the boutique, get some falsies you can glue on yourself).
Pro Tip: If doing your own eyelashes, make sure you practice before the day of your shoot. It can be tricky! In fact, if doing your own hair and make-up, practice your whole look at some point before shoot day to make sure you can get it how you want it. This will also allow you to time how long it all takes so you aren’t rushing for the actual shoot.
~For The Kids~
Kids can be very likely will be finicky at some point in the session. They will need some coaxing and/or bribing, especially very young kids. In my previous post, I talked about some snacks to bring for them. You can see that here:
Even with the snacks, some kids are just going to be uncomfortable in front of the photographer. In these cases, it may help to let them hold a comfort item, like a toy, stuffed animal, or blankie. No, the photographer cannot photoshop these out, so make sure any comfort items you bring will look ok in a picture. Is it ideal? No. But is it better than a crying child? Yes.
Basically, don’t bring anything huge or that lights up. You don’t want a giant T-Rex dinosaur toy in your photo and you certainly don’t want anything with flashing lights that is going to reflect on your faces. Think small wooden toys or a small neutral stuffed animal or blanket.
~General Items To Pack~
These may be things you already keep in your diaper bag and car, or you may need to add these to your list. Either way, make sure you have these items with you!
Baby wipes– you’ll most likely have to wipe a kids face or hands at some point during the shoot. (And if your child is still in diapers, make sure you bring some diapers too!)
Kleenex– it’s practically a guarantee that your child will need their nose wiped. Or drool wiped off their face if they are at a teething stage.
Bandaids– better to see a bandaid in a photo than blood. (I once had a mom cut herself on a thorn when we were doing an outdoor shoot and it just would not stop bleeding! We didn’t have any bandaids and were trying to stop it with a hair tie. Don’t be like us.) Bring a few bandaids; and flesh toned ones. No characters or tie dye ones unless you want Superman and the LOL dolls in your pics.
Safety Pins– you may need to pin your clothes. Or more likely, your child’s clothes. So many times with rompers and overalls, there’s a strap that’s just a little too loose and keeps falling down. Or the outfit is just a little too baggy overall.
Bug Spray– for the love of GOD, please use bug spray if you are shooting in a field or anything of that nature! There are SO MANY TICKS!! Not to mention if your child gets stung by something during the shoot, you can kiss any happy family photos goodbye. And while you are at it, get some poison ivy wash, just in case you accidentally touch any. And no matter what, be sure to shower and bathe yourself and your kids after the shoot!
~Posing Items and Props~
It’s very likely that your photographer will have these, but be sure to check with her to be sure. For outdoor family posing, it’s very helpful to have some sort of cute crate or chair (think vintage). This can be used to stand on, sit on, or place a child in if you have a rowdy toddler who likes to run.
Also, have a blanket to sit on and/or wrap up in. The blanket should be neutral or coordinate with your outfits and styling. (Patchwork quilts can look great if you are going for that look.)
Etsy is a great place to look for both of these items if your photographer is not providing them or you have something unique in mind.

This post was all about everything you need to bring to your family photoshoot!
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