Are you looking for some quick inexpensive gifts for coworkers?
Even though we may not be seeing them face to face right now, they are still a huge presence in our lives! So, you may be looking to help them feel a little special this holiday season!
After-all, as 2020 comes to a close, I think we can all agree that everyone deserves a little extra kindness this year!
PS: You can use these ideas for any occasion- birthday, new job, or just to show appreciation!
This Post Is All About 21 Quick Inexpensive Gifts For Coworkers

(This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a small commission if you purchase through my link, at no extra cost to you).
For Their Desk
Since we spend about 8+ hours a day at our desks, we may as well have cute supplies to look at! Give your coworker the gift of pretty and functional accessories!
After the year we’ve had, it’s a wonder we even know what day of the week it is. In fact, I often don’t! Which is why anyone could appreciate a cute desktop calendar for quick glances when making appointments and schedules without having to change screens to get to the online calendar.
Of course anyone would appreciate a cute picture frame for their desk! Go the extra mile and get a pic of their pet, family, or pretty scenery to put in it.
Personalized Pen and Pencil Set
This one is pretty cliche, but also something anyone would appreciate. Personalization makes everything better.
Let’s be honest, NO ONE is motivated to work all of the time. Sometimes, we need an extra kick in the pants and a reminder how badass we are. This is an especially great gift for someone who works on commission or is eligible for performance based bonuses.
With all the Zoom calls and Google Meets we are on these days, we all need to check ourselves before we get online. No one wants to look haggard for their online meet!
This is a great gift for literally anyone. It can be for home or office, male or female, and you can use faux or real plants here. A little greenery goes a long way in improving the feel of a work space!
This Idea Is SO Good!
Like, duh. Of course this is on a list of desk-top items in 2020. Literally everyone needs it and thankfully, hand sanitizers are finally back in stock.
Tip #1: Buying these in bulk is a great and easy way to save time and money! Give one to everybody in your office. You can write a personalized note and gift wrap it with a cute bag and ribbon if you want to jazz it up a bit.
Tip #2: If you really want to do a little something extra, buy a cute soap dispense that you can transfer the hand sanitizer into, like this one.
This one is so easy and great because you can easily customize it for every different person in your office. Buy the jars in bulk and then fill with each person’s favorite treat.
You could also fill with mints, trail mix, potpourri, etc if your office mate doesn’t have a sweet tooth.
To Help Them Relax
This is one is so great and easy! There are so many different kinds of bath salts so you could buy everyone in your office their own individual bag, or buy a big one, like I linked above, and the separate it out yourself. Just get some inexpensive canning jars and voila!
This is a great gift for the co-worker who is working from home or has a door to their office in the shared building. Include a recipe for different oil combinations, including a stress relieving one!
Name one person who doesn’t love a massage? Especially a foot one. Now that we are all working from home more, this is just one extra special way for your coworker to multitask yet still relax.
This thing may look idiotic, but when you only have a quick minute between conference calls, this may be just the thing your coworker needs to take the edge off.
I have one and it is a nice and relaxing touch when you are feeling extra stressed!
The perfect gift for coworkers with kids at home!
Literally, the gift that anyone with kids needs! I dream of putting earplugs in and drowning out the noise of my house, alas, I cannot. My kids need me.
But, if your coworkers have noisy kids at home while they are trying to work (and someone else to take care of the kids!) this is a really inexpensive gift that they will cherish, lol.
For The Temperature Sensitive Office Mate
A mug warmer is a gift that is perfect for anyone in an office, any gender, any age. No one likes cold coffee when it’s supposed to be a hot one!
Just as no one like a hot drink cold, no one wants a cold drink warm. (You could put coffee in here too though) This tumbler keeps cold drinks cold for up to 24 hours and hot ones hot for 6!
This space heater is a great desktop size and actually quite cute! Most offices are super cold at certain times of year, so as long as your building and boss permit, this is a great idea for the office mate who is always cold! (It me).
Bonus, this one can be used as a cool fan too!
Just as some of us are always cold, some people are naturally hotter than others. For them, get a portable fan that can be positioned anywhere in their office, car, etc.
If your office doesn’t allow space heaters, a blanket is the next best alternative! This particular one is so simple and inexpensive ($11!)
Your cold coworker will always appreciate having warm feet. Depending on if they work from home or in a shared building may dictate the style, but there are many many style options for warm socks!
Who wouldn’t appreciate some cozy slippers? The ones I liked as girly but there are literally hundreds of affordable options for men and women on Amazon.
This Post Was All About 21 Quick Inexpensive Gifts For Coworkers